Most of the time I say no when I get offers of promo samples, but I made an exception to say yes to
Custard & Co when they approached me because I have FEELINGS about all the sickly sweet
RTD fake "ciders" flooding the Australian market. In contrast, Custard & Co is the genuine article: real cider made in southwest Western Australia using local, hand-sorted fruit, their own strain of wild yeast and open top fermentation. You can read more about the processes used by Somerset-born owner and chief cider maker Ian Rayner
here. This is their Scrumpy (unfiltered and uncarbonated) and it's bloody DELICIOUS - fermented and full of the flavour of real apples. Melburnians can buy Custard & Co cider at
Blackhearts & Sparrows and
Slow Beer, and look out for it on the menu at discerning venues like Cumulus Inc, The Town Mouse and The Meatball & Wine Bar.
Thanks for the free sample, Custard & Co - I didn't drink it on #FlagonFriday so I missed the promo hashtag, but this flagon will go down a treat at today's Queen's Birthday Game of Thrones viewing party.