275 Exhibition Street, Melbourne (map)
9663 7994
Breakfast and lunch, Monday to Friday
After a brief hiatus from blogging due to an unfortunate masters essay that just wouldn't write itself, I'm back! There's a backlog of places I'm itching to write about, starting right here right now with this one.

The Diner at Trunk is the American diner style cafe adjacent to the main Trunk restaurant and bar. It's been open since July from Mondays to Fridays - just for breakfast and lunch at this stage, though there are apparently plans afoot to stay open in the evenings too.

Nifty fitout, eh? It was very pleasant sitting there with the early morning sunshine streaming in, as our group imbibed coffee after coffee made by the charming Tom (who used to be my barista when he worked down in the legal district).

Love that big beautiful Trunk courtyard. The main Trunk building was originally a synagogue, built in 1859. I know this because I read it on the Trunk website, which I suggest you DON'T visit as it is a website that automatically plays music THAT YOU CANNOT TURN OFF. I'm sorry, but that is a restaurant website design FAIL of the first order. If whoever is in charge of the Trunk website reads this, please please please get rid of the music!

But back to the Diner. It was a Thursday morning and a group of us were enjoying our fortnightly CBD Bourgeois Breakfast tradition. Because it was the lovely Miss C's birthday, we also ordered a bottle of bubbly to share. Champagne and habanero sauce: it was going to be one of THOSE Thursday mornings...

As I said at the top, the venue is styled as an American diner, and has a menu to match. I ordered the free range Mexican scrambled eggs ($12), which came with bacon, cheddar, jalapenos, coriander, tomato, red pepper and spring onion, wrapped and served on a little meal tray. Very tasty - even tastier with a bit of old El Yucateco.

The Diner also has a small selection of breakfast quesadillas - Miss A went for the vegetarian one with portabello mushrooms, roast corn, fetta and fontina cheese ($9).

Other friends went with the porridge made from rolled oats, banana and brown sugar ($8) and the house granola with vanilla poached fruit ($7). All gave favourable breakfast reports.

I would like to try those winter wiggidy waffles, to see just how wiggidy wiggidy wack they really are (they come with roasted bananas, hazelnuts, ice cream and maple syrup). I'm also keen to head back for lunch next time I'm up that end of the city - not only do they have a wagyu burger that Mellie from Tummy Rumbles speaks highly of and a Cuban baguette that sounds amazing (pulled pork, gypsy ham, gruyere, zucchini pickles and chipotle mayo), their dessert menu reads as follows: apple pie, pecan pie, lemon meringue pie, brownie, caramel popcorn.
Just like Mom used to make!